
Inputs in the user interface need to be transformed into actions that trigger state changes. That is the responsibility of the Dispatcher: take inputs and transform them into actions that modify the state.

Dispatchers have three parameters:

Internally, a dispatcher is a function from the input type, to an array of side-effectful actions that depend on an environment and mutate a state; that is:

(I) -> [EnvIO<E, Error, State<S, Void>>]


Each action in the array will trigger a UI refresh; this is because some inputs may trigger a UI update, then do a long-running task, and finally trigger a new UI update to show the final result.

Nonetheless, we can create dispatchers for actions that involve single UI updates, or even ones that are side-effect free, with the following methods:


Pure Dispatcher

Incrementing or decrementing the count of a stepper is a pure state modification, so we can create a dispatcher like:

enum StepperInput {
    case tapDecrement
    case tapIncrement

typealias StepperDispatcher = StateDispatcher<Any, Int, StepperInput>

let stepperDispatcher = StepperDispatcher.pure { input in
    switch input {
    case .tapDecrement:
        return .modify { count in count - 1 }^
    case .tapIncrement:
        return .modify { count in count + 1 }^

Effectful Dispatcher

Rolling a die is a side-effectful action, as it includes randomness. We can capture randomness in a dependency:

protocol Randomness {
    func getInt<E>(in range: ClosedRange<Int>) -> EnvIO<E, Error, Int>

Then, we can create our dispatcher as:

enum DieInput {
    case roll

struct Die {
    let number: Int

typealias DieDispatcher = StateDispatcher<Randomness, Die, DieInput>

let dieDispatcher = DieDispatcher.effectful { input in
    switch input {
    case .roll:
        return EnvIO.accessM { random in random.getInt(in: 1 ... 6) }
            .map { n in
                .set(Die(number: n))^

Workflow Dispatcher

Finally, we can create a dispatcher that triggers multiple UI updates. For instance, we may show a loading indicator, fetch data from the network, and then show it in the UI.

// Dependencies
protocol Network {
    func load<E>() -> EnvIO<E, Error, Data>

// State
enum ScreenState {
    case loading
    case loaded(Data)

// Input
enum ScreenInput {
    case fetchData

// Dispatcher
typealias ScreenDispatcher = StateDispatcher<Network, ScreenState, ScreenInput>

func showLoading() -> EnvIO<Network, Error, State<ScreenState, Void>> {

func showLoadedData() -> EnvIO<Network, Error, State<ScreenState, Void>> {
    let network = EnvIO<Network, Error, Network>.var()
    let data = EnvIO<Network, Error, Data>.var()
    return binding(
        continueOn(.global(qos: .background)),
        network <- .ask(),
        data <- network.get.load(),
        yield: .set(.loaded(data.get))^

let screenDispatcher = ScreenDispatcher.workflow { input in
    switch input {
    case .fetchData:
        return [

Combining Dispatchers

As long as two dispatchers share the same type parameters, they can be combined, as they conform to Semigroup.

If they don’t have the same type parameters, they can be transformed using the widen method, which needs the following:

For instance, consider the screenDispatcher above needs to be combined with a parent dispatcher that works on more general environment, state and input:

struct Dependencies {
    let network: Network
    let database: Database

struct ParentState {
    let screen: ScreenState
    let other: OtherState

enum ParentInput {
    case screen(ScreenInput)
    case other(OtherInput)

typealias ParentDispatcher = StateDispatcher<Dependencies, ParentState, ParentInput>

First, we need to create a lens and a prism to focus on the state and input of our child dispatcher:

let screenLens = Lens<ParentState, ScreenState>(
    get: { parent in parent.screen },
    set: { parent, newScreen in ParentState(screen: newScreen, other: parent.other) }

extension ParentInput: AutoPrism {}
let screenPrism = ParentInput.prism(for: ParentInput.screen)

Then, we can widen our screenDispatcher to have the same type parameters as the parent:

let widenScreenDispatcher: ParentDispatcher = screenDispatcher.widen(
    transformEnvironment: { dependencies in dependencies.network },
    transformState: screenLens,
    transformInput: screenPrism

And finally, we can combine both dispatchers:

let appDispatcher = parentDispatcher.combine(widenScreenDispatcher)

This lets us write very focused dispatchers that only receive what they need to perform their job, separate our concerns properly, and then have powerful ways to compose them into a single dispatcher that manages the logic of our application.